Smile Design; Advertisement or Reality?

By emerge of new technologies in medical science and consequently dentistry, as well as young generation’s attention to cosmetic dentistry, the industry is experiencing a wide range of advertisement in this area. One of the phrases used in these advertisement is “Smile Design”. In this article, we have tried to raise awareness by giving scientific explanation of limitations, solutions, and treatment methods, for the purpose of avoiding those problems that might occur due to false advertisement.

Generally, 4 factors play significant roles in a smile. These are Teeth, Gums, Lips, and position of Jawbone. We explain each of these factors and their role; however, it is important to bear in mind that we cannot define determined criteria for our beauty and these can be different from person to person or even from society to society. For instance, something that is desirable in one country could be considered unfavourable in another.

First and foremost, teeth. Teeth’s anatomic shape, surface structure, size, colour, and position in the jaw are what effect in how smile looks. Anatomic shape is different from person to person for instance some people have dental anomalies. Surface structure is what effects the look most. In some people surface structure is uniform and polished while in some others it is uneven and porous. Furthermore, the size of teeth is different in different ethnicities. In terms of colour, despite what most people think, teeth are not white. They are something between Grey, Orange, Yellow, etc. from the cosmetic dentistry point of view, teeth colour needs to coordinate with skin colour. At last, the position of teeth in jawbone is one of the important factors. Arrangement of teeth directly affect the way a smile looks. On the other hand, position, shape, and colour of gums directly effects in smile. Additionally, shape and size of lips as well as position of jawbone are important factors.

Therefore, the concept of smile design is more complicated than what is introduced in advertisements and each of the factors that affects a smile need exploring and explaining individually. However, what we see in major advertisements nowadays is merely correction of teeth irregularities by adding homochromatic composite material or use of laminates. Although, this method is acceptable in treatment of partial irregularities, it could have severe negative effects on gums by changing the shape and normal condition teeth and gums contact. In this condition, the advised method of treatment is orthodontics. In more severe problems jaw surgery need to be done.

Considering these we have to be careful with these kinds of advertisements which claim treating every problem by means of these methods. Smile design is a complex issue and all factors need to be considered. Appearance must not come before teeth and gm health.

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